November is National Diabetes Awareness Month – Take Charge in Managing Your Diabetes
(Toms River) – Hundreds of Ocean County residents are finding the Diabetes Self-Management and Education Support Program (DSMES) a valuable resource to better live with the disease and improve quality of life. Since August the program has provided three educational sessions to close to 400 residents including senior living centers and school nurses.
The DSMES program consists of 4 two-hour classes and provides an evidence-based foundation to empower people with diabetes to navigate self-management decisions and activities.
“The Ocean County Health Department wants to remind people that diabetes is a condition that can be managed,” advises Daniel Regenye, Ocean County Public Health Coordinator/Health Officer. “By living a healthy lifestyle filled with regular exercise and proper diet, you can live an active healthy life and our DSMES program is designed to help set you up with the support and tools you’ll need. We also encourage individuals with diabetes who would be considered high risk to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and seasonal flu.”
Individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes make up 10 percent of the U.S. population but have accounted for 40 percent of those who have died from COVID-19, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). However, your risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 is likely to be lower if your diabetes is well managed.
The DSMES program has Registered Dieticians and a Certified Diabetes and Care and Education Specialist to provide individuals seven standards of care that guides them through self-management and allows them to establish their own goals to improve their diabetes.
The seven standards of care include:
- Healthy Eating
- Being Active
- Taking Medication
- Monitoring
- Problem Solving
- Healthy Coping
- Reducing Risks
“We’ve been so pleased with the early turnout for this program and continue to encourage those individuals living with this condition to participate in the Diabetes Self-Management, Education, and Support program,” advised Meg McCarthy-Klein, OCHD Clinical Nutritionist MS, RDN. “The ultimate goal of the DSMES program is to give people living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes the necessary education and resources they can use to lead a better quality of life.”
For more information regarding the Diabetes Self-Management, Education and Support (DSMES) program and upcoming classes, please call 732-341-9700, ext. 7237 or ext. 7235.
For more information about diabetes and National Diabetes Month, visit the Ocean County Health Department website at or You can also follow the Ocean County Health Department on Twitter@OCpublichealth or like us on Facebook. Download the Ocean County Health Department mobile app free from the Google Play/ and Apple APP stores.