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Community Health Assessment

OCHD Comm Health Assess Image

Health Needs Assessment 2022

Public Health Practice Standards requires all county health departments to assess the health and well-being of their populations every four years. Through a process inclusive of Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) in coordination with the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is created and implemented by our stakeholder partners. Primary hallmarks of any CHIP initiative are that results are measurable and that the process is completely inclusive and transparent. To that end, we are very proud of our Community Health Improvement Plan and our residents that it serves.

As New Jersey loses population in the aggregate year over year, Ocean County continues to grow. Growth and expansion require a focus on services and service capacity. With an approximate census of over 627,000 residents and nearly one-third of that population over age 60, Ocean County is as diverse demographically as it is geographically. This diversity requires specialization and attention to specific needs that address the Social Determinants of Health, access to care and geriatric needs as well. As a policymaker and a stakeholder, your responses will shape the direction and focus of healthcare, prevention, policy and service delivery all across Ocean County for years to come.

See: Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Parnterships (MAPP) , Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS)

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The Community Health Planning unit of the Ocean County Health Department assesses current health data and needs of county residents through data gathering and by partnering with various healthcare agencies in the county. The Community Health Planning Unit works with county partners of the Partnership for a Healthier Ocean County Group in gathering health statistics, health trends and in providing health data to county stakeholders and residents.

Numerous health indicators are collected including data in morbidity and mortality serving as a resource for residents and community-based organizations to obtain health status data on the county.

Community Health Planning is responsible for performing the Community Health Needs Assessment, and in developing the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a strategic plan by using the CDC MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships) process.