Ocean County Overdose Response Resources

Amanda Santini MPH, BSN, RN, Primary Overdose Strategist
asantini@ochd.org, 732.341.9700, ext. 7285


If this is a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911

What is an Opioid Overdose?

Opioids are commonly used for pain management under many names, i.e., Morphine, Oxycodone, Percocet, Fentanyl, Codeine, and Methadone. Some are illegal substances such as Heroin and synthetic Fentanyl. Opioids affect the part of the brain that regulates our breathing. Opioid overdose is life-threatening and requires immediate attention. Knowing the signs of opioid overdose is critical for saving lives.

Some common symptoms of an overdose are:

  • Extremely pale face and/or feeling clammy to the touch
  • Limp body
  • Purple or blue colored fingernails or lips
  • Vomiting or gurgling noises
  • A person cannot be awakened or/and is unable to speak
  • Slow or stopped heartbeat and/or breath
  • Pinpoint pupils (black part of your eye)

Why do I Need to Know This?

On average, Ocean County experiences 5 fatal/nonfatal overdoses daily inside and outside of the residence. This means that the places we shop, eat, enjoy entertainment, and recreate at could be a place where we may encounter such an emergency (i.e., grocery stores, restaurants, concert venues, and parks). We routinely see reports of accidental ingestion of prescription meds at grandparents’ houses, holiday dinners, group outings where young children have gotten into pill boxes, purses, etc. We recommend everyone- parents, grandparents, teachers, lifeguards, business owners, etc. get educated on opioid overdose and prevention.

How Can I be Prepared as an Individual?

Get trained in the use of Narcan! Narcan is used to reverse an opioid overdose!

Naloxone (brand name Narcan) is an easy-to-use nasal spray that binds to opioid receptors and can reverse and block the effects of other opioids, such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone. Administered when a person is showing signs of an opioid overdose, naloxone is a temporary treatment.

We offer quick, individual trainings here at the health department. You learn what an overdose looks like, how to administer the Narcan, and how to get a refill. After the training you receive your own free kit that includes a mask, directions, and gloves.

You cannot harm someone with Narcan!

You are covered under the Overdose Prevention Act for administering Narcan (*think* the Good Samaritan Law)!

You are not mandated to administer it, even if you carry it. Call 911 if you are unsure or unsafe!

Contact Amanda Santini at asantini@ochd.org or 732-341-9700 ext. 7285 to schedule a training or ask a question!

How Can I be Prepared as a Business Owner?

Ocean County Health Department is excited to announce its new initiative to prevent overdoses in our community!

Since January 2024, our Overdose Mitigation Team has been monitoring overdose trends and spikes throughout Ocean County to offer swift support to not only the individual- but the community members, employees, and business owners impacted and to reduce future risk. Our team is offering the following services for free-

  • Staff Education & Support- Specialist will provide education regarding current drug trends, Narcan administration, CPR lite, and county substance abuse resources.
  • Naloxone Training & kits- OCHD can provide a brief, hands on training for staff to identify signs of overdose and administration of Narcan. Each participant will receive a Narcan kit.
  • Mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of overdose- OCHD monitors overdose activity throughout the county daily to respond to these areas promptly with increased education, training, and support.
  • Environmental Scan and Assessment- Team members will do a visual property scan to collect data.
  • Findings & Recommendation Report- Program will transcribe the findings into a detailed report with recommendations regarding overdose prevention measures.
  • Mental Health resources for employees impacted- A licensed clinical social worker can be on site to provide support and offer resources to those who may have witnessed an opioid overdose.

We will stay in contact to see if any continuing support is needed or is other services are requested.

Pick one or all services- tailored to fit your needs!

Contact Amanda Santini at asantini@ochd.org or 732-341-9700 ext. 7285 to receive a copy of our Overdose Reduction Toolkit for businesses or schedule a training!

Ocean County Resources

Other Resources

Treatment Resources

If you are an Ocean County resident without health insurance coverage and are interested in receiving substance use treatment services, please contact our agency at 732-341-9700 Ext: 7538.
Call 844-276-2777, the toll-free number 24/7/365, for a referral to addiction treatment through the Interim Managing Entity (IME) Addictions Access Center.