Ocean County residents can keep up with all the latest LOCAL COVID vaccine news and information on our OCHD website & social media such as:
*Fixed COVID & influenza vaccination clinic sites & schedules
*Mobile & pop-up clinics in your neighborhood
*Homebound clinic services
*Pediatric clinic schedule
*COVID testing locations
*Clinic appointments/registration
*Ocean County COVID Case Data/Analytics Dashboard
*Trending news stories
*COVID Information Call Line info
Links to CDC and NJDOH for general COVID-19 vaccine guidance for schools, businesses, public health professionals, travelers, etc. – including the very latest news on boosters, virus variants, vaccine safety, data dashboards, science updates & many additional key resources.
CDC website: cdc.gov
NJDOH website state.nj.us
Visit the Ocean County Health Department website at www.ochd.org follow us on our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/OCHD.org – OR NOW YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE NEW FREE MOBILE PHONE APP by downloading it from the Google Play/Android & Apple APP store: https://apps.myocv.com/share/a50608754