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Breastfeeding 101:

Breastfeeding protects babies

Colostrum, also known as “liquid gold”, is the thick first milk produced by the mother.  This first milk is very rich in nutrients and antibodies that protect babies from infections.  Research shows that breastfed babies are naturally immune to certain illnesses including:  asthma, childhood leukemia, childhood obesity, ear infections, eczema, respiratory infections, SIDS, gastrointestinal diseases, and type 2 diabetes.

Breastmilk is easier to digest

Formula may be harder for an infant to digest.  Babies stomach’s are naturally designed to digest breastmilk, so it may take time for the stomach to adapt to digesting formula.  This is especially true for pre-mature infants.  Breastfed babies suffer less diarrhea or gastro-intestinal upsets.

Breastfeeding is economical

Breastmilk is cost free, better for the environment.  Formula and feeding supplies can cost more than $1500 a year.  Healthy babies require less sick-visits to the doctors; ultimately, less doctor visits save money on co-payments and medications.  Research has found that 90% of families who exclusively breastfeed for 6 months had prevented 1,000 infant deaths.

Bottles and feeding supplies are typically made of plastic and rubber materials.  Breastfeeding is better for the environment and requires minimal amounts of trash or plastic waste.

Breastfeeding provides mother-infant bonding

Infants depend on physical contact to feel safe, secure, and warm.  Skin to skin contact boosts oxytocin levels in the mother and infant.  Oxytocin is often referred to as the “feel good” hormone, however it also increases milk production in the mother.